May I introduce myself? I’m Li Hua

I am from China but I’ve been in Korea for 6 years. I’m a graduate student in Korea now 

I chose my English name as HANA which means “Number one” or “Sole” in Korean. It also means “Flower” in Japanese.  

I got to know about AELC from my friend who studied here last year. I was thinking about going to a big school in Cebu or Baguio but my friend really recommended AELC to me.  

My parents and even some of my best friends didn’t agree with me going to AELC. They were suspicious of Philippine English and even I was a bit confused at first. But it turns out that everybody was wrong. I can say that it’s just beyond my expectation. I’m so happy that I chose AELC.  

1.     At first, I was worried about Philippine teachers’ pronunciation and accent. Now I don’t worry about it. Many Philippine teachers have really clear and accurate pronunciation. In some aspects, I prefer Philippine teachers to teachers from US or UK because Philippine teachers understand how hard it is to study foreign language.

2.     Group classes are amazing. Most of group class teachers are Native teachers. They have a lot of experience and they know how to handle many students from different countries. Every group class seems like a famous Korean TV show “비정상회담(non-summit meeting)” which invites many people from different countries and the show host let the guests share the culture gaps with each other.

3.     I met some family students from China and Korea. I feel like I wish Ihad studied English when I was a kid at an English academy such as AELCSchool becauseKids are not afraid of failure and always confident to speak. They make friends with foreign friends very quickly. 

4.     There is such a saying in China that  "十年百年人” that means It takes 10 years to raise a tree but it takes 100 years to have a good education system to raise children. The kids at AELC seem to have many chances to become independent and challenging by trying many new experiences that they can’t do in their country. I can see they step forward every day.

5.     Apart from the education, the food is great. Just greater than the food of the University that I go to in Korea. Haha. This place is totally safe. I love the small swimming pool inside the school. I’ll miss the couch that I spent lots of time talking with foreign friends.

6.     I’d like to advise to the management that it would be better if there is English Only Zone so that students can practicespeaking English more

7.     I regret getting to know about AELC too late. I surely want to come back to AELC in summer again. I learned not only English but also a lot of thing from the Director and the teachers of AELC. And there is a person that everybody calls “ABUJI”. He showed me around the Clark city on weekend and I really appreciate it. Everybody here helped me to get used to the new environment so soon.

8.     It’s been a month only in the Philippines studying English, but I’m sometimes surprised when I can understand the English movies that I never understood before. I feel like I’m getting used to the English speaking and listening environment and my English is improving so quickly. It was short but it was really a rewarding time for me.

9.     I highly recommend AELC School to any of my friends or anyone else. Thank you so much.





SO方面:我大家都担心的一点肯定是境了。里的老一部分是美老,一部分是菲律程呢分两种1:1程,有就是group class 程。一程,大家都应该知道,我主要程,程我选择的都是讨论类型的程,不同家和地的人用英语讨论,不但提升了英,而且可以了解不同的人文和见识可以看到不同的思考方式以及看问题角,完全就是“一石二”的双赢么 

最主要的是我想说这里的小生,基本都是自中韩国的,当你看到两个国家的小朋友在用英交流讨论候,我可以看到他的父母上的笑容,很足很自豪傲。少年强则国强,我很心可以看到祖的花朵们里可以学习这么开心。中有句是“十年 百年人”,小孩们来到了学习了英,体异国文化,而且到了礼仪立和相,如果经济的建父母可以小孩们来这学习 


WT方面:事物都是一分二的。有候大家不自地就和自己家人用交流,瞬忘却了英。哈哈 如果校可以出一个规定,只允许说英文就好了。哈哈。 











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