AELC的小組課程由各個領域的專業講師進行,大部分的小組課程使用我們 AELC自己的教材。
Class | Group Class Explanation | |
Grammar Class 文法課 |
Basic to intermediate grammar concepts are explained in detail. Students must then prove their through a series of drills(Lecture based) 對基礎到中級的文法概念進行了詳細的解釋。 |
Everyday English 每日英語 |
This group is designed to expose students to everyday situations. Each week a new theme is presented. (Speaking based.) 教學目的在於讓學生接觸到日常生活的英文用法。每個星期會有一個新的主題呈現。 |
Debate Class 辯論課程 |
Various topics are introduced. Students then form and express their opinions on the given topic.(Speaking Based.) 介紹各種主題,然後學生發表對特定主題發表意見。 |
Business English 商業英語 |
Business topics and vocabulary are explained in detail. Student’s understanding is then checked with a class discuss.(Lecture and Discussion Based.) 老師介紹以商業為主的課程,之後與學生們進行討論。 |
Role Play 角色扮演 |
Various themes are introduced and discussed. Students are then put into small groups, and must talk about different situationsrelated to each topic. (Discussion Based.) 老師先對不同主題進行介紹和討論,之後將學生分成小組。分組進行討論。 |
Media Class 影片課程 |
Western movies and television shows are presented. The teacher explains key vocabulary and phrases, checks for student’s understanding. (Lecture Based.) 藉由觀賞英語影片加上老師的解釋,加強學生的英語程度。 |
Small Presentations 演講課 |
Each week a different theme will be presented. Teacher andstudents will discuss different aspects about each theme.At the end of the week, each sudent will give a shortpresentaion of an assigned topic. (Discussion Based.) 每周都有不同的主題,老師帶領學生從不同角度探討主題。在每周的最後一次上課,學生須發表一些一個有關本周主題的演講。 |
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